Blade and Soul Guide: How to Leveling Fast

bladesoulgold Date: May/03/16 15:11:31 Views: 1241

Blade and Soul has a lot of interesting features, leveling in Blade & Soul can be an experience and a half, but you can reduce that down to a simple experience through a variety of means. As with other games, leveling up involves a combination of completing quests and grinding on monsters. In this article, we will discuss some handy ways of leveling through the early game.




There is a variety of ways to get there faster, but ultimately, you're going to pretty much scoot through the game doing the main quests and an assortment of side quests, often all completed in one small area of the map. That process you can iterate a little bit on, such as looking at the XP reward, but even that isn't a good tell of the quest. Some side quests have multiple parts and unlock additional content, so there is really isn't much of a reason to not do everything at once.


This process will keep you overlevel'd throughout the game, rarely needing to double back. Considering the generous heapings of XP, along with the necessary need to complete the games three acts, you'll probably never actually want to go faster, alas, there are a few ways to do it should you decide to do so.


First, I would honestly suggest ignoring the idea that you should min/max which quests to take and not take. It's a long journey, and while some players have done it in record time, there is rarely a need to do it right now. Plus you'll miss most of the story content.


One alternative, if questing is dire is to do only your story quests, then grind the rest of the way. There are some obvious grinding areas that you can utilize, anywhere with a fast respawn and considering some classes can nearly one shot most enemies, you shouldn't have a hard time grinding them out, however, this can be rather dull and boring over time, and it never seemed quicker at all for me.


You can also dungeon level, but again that's mostly grinding and the dungeon quests are usually dailies.




Some practical ways to level up faster, without ripping your hair out are:


Utilize XP boosting food. You can get some for free, or some with ncoin, or buy some on the marketplace. However you choose to consume your XP food, it'll provide a nice boost, and can even turn the game into easy mode for a few levels as you'll quickly outpace the content. Hongmoon Soup is good for this, but while things will be faster, you're also going to be stressed to get the most out of it, and I would only advise it for when you feel like your level isn't keeping up.


Every day go back and do your daily dungeons for your level, especially if soloing them is rather reasonable for you. This will get you some loot and a sizable XP boost.


Ignore trying to optimize your gear before level 30 too much. Just focus on evolving your equipment. You'll outgrow anything before level 20 rapidly, and after that you'll be funneling most of your materials into evolving your actual real gear.


Finally, look at investing in a premium membership. 10% of all XP is a lot overtime, it basically means you only have to fill up 90% of your bar to level. That's a big difference in time! The amount continues to grow as you have premium for longer / spend more in the store.


That's about all the tips I have for leveling. To sum up, do all of your yellow and blue quests, plus the purple tutorial ones. Do your daily dungeons for your level. Don't stress about min/maxing gear early on, you'll level up too fast. There are some cash options you can utilize to level faster, but aren't specifically necessary.


That's about it! Oh, and be sure to have fun, that's the fastest way to make the time fly.