Escape from Tarkov: The complete guide to setting, graphics, and optimization

bladesoulgold Date: Nov/02/21 14:09:19 Views: 1044

For hardcore FPS gamers, the settings in the game are very important because an overly dark corner or some unsatisfactory graphics performance may mean life and death. In Escape from Tarkov, there are suggestions on the Internet on how to make the best settings for the game. This is ours, so I hope you can knock off the enemy's helmet before they see your helmet.

Escape from Tarkov: The complete guide to setting, graphics, and optimization

Although it sounds obvious, the best place to play graphics, game settings, etc., is to Escape from Tarkov's settings. But how do you get there? Well, open "Escape from Tarkov," in the first menu, you can go to the very important "Settings" tab. Having better game settings can not only improve the user experience of the game, but also get more Tarkov Roubles and resources in the game. From there,From there, you can play all the different settings of your dreams.


Escape from Tarkov Graphics Settings

After entering the "Settings" tab, the graphics sub-bar is one of the best places to go. You should pay special attention to screen settings, image quality, and visibility among the various more minor graphical annotations.


In terms of screen settings, the situation is relatively simple. make sure:

  • Set the screen resolution to the native resolution of the monitor
  • Set the aspect ratio to the native resolution of the monitor
  • Set the window to full-screen mode
  • Make sure VSync is not selected


The quality of the graphics is also very important, so please take the following steps to optimize your Takov view:

  • Set texture quality to medium/high (according to preference)
  • Set shadow quality to low/medium (according to taste)
  • Set the object LOD quality to 2
  • Set the sharpness to 1.3
  • Make sure Z-Blur is not selected
  • Set anti-aliasing to TAA
  • Set resampling to 1x off


Your visibility is also important to the experience, not just a fun and immersive way, so experts recommend the following:

  • Set overall visibility to 1000
  • Set shadow visibility to 75-100 (according to preference)
  • Set HBAO to off
  • Set SSR to off
  • Set anisotropic filtering to each texture


From FPS to noise in the game, many other settings make gamers very picky, so check before leaving the graphics tab:

  • Set the lobby FPS limit to 60
  • Set the game FPS limit to 120
  • Ensure chromium. Aberration not checked
  • Make sure noise is not selected
  • Make sure the grass shadow is not selected



Escape from Tarkov  Game Settings

Now, suppose you return to the general settings screen and go to the game tab for more optimizations. You can use the tools in this tab as you like, but all players should change the following points:

  • Make sure to select Auto RAM Cleaner
  • Set Head Bopping to 0.2
  • Set FOV to 60-75 (or higher, if you prefer)


However, there are some caveats for specific video cards and processors. If you have an NVIDIA graphics card and are dealing with performance issues, you should uncheck Enable NVIDIA Highlights. Also, if your processor has hyperthreading or SMT, please check the settings to use only physical cores.



Other Escape from Tarkov Optimization

Depending on the graphics card you are using, you can enter the interface of the graphics card and optimize your graphics from there. Whether you are using NVIDIA or AMD, please change the settings to improve its escape from Tarkov. This setting change will make all the flying bullets in your great gun sharper.


In addition, many professionals encourage players to disable features such as OneDrive and Windows Update Delivery Optimization. You can also take some extra steps to optimize standard tools such as Discord and Google Chrome and turn off hardware acceleration for both.


Related: The most beneficial tips and tricks for new players in Escape from Tarkov.