Grasp Last Chance to Play Blade & Soul Gold before Its Closed Test

bladesoulgold Date: Dec/18/15 10:10:29 Views: 1264

As the Blade & Soul official website posted, the time left to play Blade & Soul during the closed testing period is closing soon. This week is the last test weekend before the full game launch on January 19, 2016 at 12:01am EST/9am CET. Do not forget the release time and join the game in time with enough in game currency, BNS Gold, also called Blade and Soul Gold. Now you can buy BNS Gold with a pretty cheap price on our website, according to the BNS official news, the final beta weekend runs from December 18 at 10am PST/7pm CET until December 21 at 10pm PST/December 22, 7am CET. This is the players' final chance to play, provide feedback, and help the BNS team ensure a successful launch of Blade & Soul in January.


Blade & Soul Gold 2015121801


Well, there are five weeks away from launch, and January 19 also marks the end of your ability to gain the Founder's Pack. except gain access to this weekend's test, having a Founder's Pack of also can gain additional benefits and exclusive rewards - with sizeable amounts of NCoin included - as well as Head Start access to the game before launch on January 15 at 12:01am EST/9am CET, and Name Reservation on January 11, 2016 at 6pm PST For NA servers, and 7pm CET for our EU servers. Now, just hurry up to to buy BNS Gold to take part in the closed test.