How to Play Blade & Soul without NC Launcher (North America)

bladesoulgold Date: Nov/28/15 22:41:11 Views: 3745

Start Blade & Soul without Launcher:


1. Open notepad


2. Copy the following text into notepad and save it as a .cmd file extension (ignore the quotations). The filename can be anything.


" start client.exe /LaunchByLauncher /SessKey:"" /MacAddr:"" /UserNick:"" /CompanyID:"0" /ChannelGroupIndex:"-1" /ServerAddr:" " /StartGameID:"BNS" /RepositorySub:" " /GamePath:"" /LoginMode 2 "


Make sure to save it in the /bin directory or whever the "Client.exe" is located.


Add Blade and Soul on steam with functioning overlay (this option still utilizes the launcher):


1. Add game to steam as "Non-Steam Game"


2. Navigate to and add NCLauncher.exe. Default Location is " "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCWest\NCLauncher\NCLauncher.exe"


So the non steam game profile should look like this (Default)


Target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCWest\NCLauncher\NCLauncher.exe" Start in: "C:\Program Files (x86)\NCWest\NCLauncher\"


1. Add These Launch Options to the Non-Steam Game (ignore the quotations)


" /LauncherID:"NCWest" /CompanyID:"12" /GameID:"BnS_CBT" /LUpdateAddr:" "

Remember, you can name the non steam game anything you wish, in this case "Blade & Soul"


Note: * -Remember to update Blade & Sould perodically (using the launcher), if starting the game/bypassing the NCLauncher.*


As of now, I can confirm this works with Blade & Soul North American version.


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