The Preview of Cashshop Costumes in Blade & Soul at Early Access

bladesoulgold Date: Jan/16/16 02:56:03 Views: 1191

Hey everyone, with the early access just hours away, I thought some of you may like to take a look at the cashshop costumes available in the Ncstore at launch/early access.


Something to note is that unlike some other games, the costumes in Blade and Soul can be vastly different based on your gender/race combination. Hence I have tried to get every possible race/gender combination pics. Also beware of costumes that are restricted to specific race/gender.


For a gallery view go here (cosmetic tab, scroll down):




All Races/Genders


Blue Porcelain - 1200 NCoins ($15 USD). This is the costumes you can get with a limited time VIP package in Taiwan. Has a head accessory that is female only and need to be purchased separately.


Fight Fire with Fire -1200 NCoins ($15 USD). A bit simplistic for the price. Not too much racial variation.


Holly Jolly - 1200 NCoins ($15 USD). Limited time Christmas costume. Less skimpy of the two holiday costumes.


Winter Flower - 1200 NCoins ($15 USD). Limited time Christmas costume. This one shows more skin.


Rising Sun - 1200 NCoins ($15 USD). Very red and flowery, reminds of that crafted armor set in GW2.


Wish - 1200 NCoins ($15 USD). Black/white form fitting outfit. Almost identical across all races/genders.


First Step - 1000 NCoins ($12.5 USD)


Merry Weather - 1000 NCoins ($12.5 USD) - Green Trenchcoat


Secret Agent - 1000 NCoins ($12.5 USD) - This was a rare drop from one of the soloable quests in Taiwan.


Pioneer - 800 NCoins ($10 USD) - Leather costume.


Heavenly - 800 NCoins ($10 USD)


All Racers/Female Only


Scarlet Shade - 1200 NCoins ($15 USD). Has a white tail.

White Rosetta - 1200 NCoins ($15 USD).


All Racers/Male Only


White Rosetta -1200 NCoins ($15 USD). White suit.


Jin Female Only


Ivory Bird - 1000 NCoins ($12.5 USD)


Jin Male Only


Yellow Dahlia - 1000 NCoins ($12.5 USD)


Lyn Female Only


Pink Bear Set - 1200 NCoins ($15 USD).

Luciole - 1000 NCoins ($12.5 USD). Pink princess dress.


Lyn Male Only


Baby Blue Bear Set - 1200 NCoins ($15 USD).




Fan Head Adornment - 400 NCoins ($5 USD). Goes with the Blue Procelain costume. Female only.

Foxy - 400 NCoins ($5 USD). Black Glasses for all.

Latest Trend - 400 NCoins ($5 USD). Long braided hairstyle for all races/gender.




Cashshop Costumes