Blade and Soul Gold Farming Guide

bladesoulgold Date: Jan/01/16 00:27:29 Views: 1555

One of the interesting things about Blade and Soul is that gold income is very important. Gold lets you buy valuable materials and items, saving you much grinding time. Having a good way to farm gold is a significant end-game goal for many players, because they need gold to fuel their upgrades and other expenditures. There are a few ways to earn Blade and Soul gold, and in this game we will discuss them in detail. The most notable gold income sources are running dungeons, crafting using your sub-professions, and buying and selling on the auction house.


Blade and Soul Gold Farming Guide #1


Grinding Gold through Professions


First, let's talk about professions. In general, some of the professions can bring in money, but none of them are enough to give you all the time you will need. Broadly speaking, there are two phases in which professions are useful– the early game and the late game. The distinction is important, because the materials that the guilds create are valuable to players in different stages of their progression. For example, the food guild is never particularly useful, because food items are not in high demand for anyone. On the other hand, the pottery guild has some highly useful items for early-game players and some decent crafts for later game players. In the early game, players need pottery materials for their big Windstride quest. Later on, the refiners and bowls are important for people crafting evolution stones.


The best end-game profession is the evolution stone guild. These are highly in demand for top-level players that has done through blade and soul leveling, and the soul shield crafts are also very popular because players use them for fusing. A very good combination is the pottery guild and the evolution stone guild. That lets you craft your own materials and ensures that both guilds will have very high-demand items for you to sell at all phases of the game. As for gathering guilds, they both use the tree guild, while the pottery guild needs crops and the evolution stone guild needs meat. So there is some synergy in terms of the materials they use. Not only will these items fetch some money on the marketplace, but you can also use them yourself. This is very important, because it is not a good idea to pick a profession based only on how much money it brings in. They are just not profitable enough to devote that much time and effort unless there are additional rewards. In this case, you will be able to make your own evolution stones and soul shields for fusing.


Blade and Soul Gold Farming Guide #2


Grinding Gold through Dungeon


Much of your income will come from running dungeons. It is unlikely that you will need to spend much time running dungeons for gold before you reach level 45. It is not very difficult to reach 45 with the right progression. Depending on your class and your knowledge about the game, you can get to 45 in a few days, and you do not need a huge amount of gold to do so. Simply work your way up and upgrade your gear along the way as you need to– there is no need to try to max out your weapon or accessories, because you are likely to get new ones later. Once you start to plateau at the higher levels, then you will need to devote time to farming for gold. The main source for gold is the daily quests.


There are six major high-level dungeons that you can repeat every day for gold and materials, which you can sell. If you have a class that has good AoE skills and damage, then this process can go more quickly. You pull the mobs in the dungeon into a big group and then take them all out at once. If you are a class that has weaker defenses and is worse at AoE like the Assassin, then you will need to pull fewer monsters at the same time. This process will provide you with experience as well as gold, so you can move towards the level cap. It is generally better to try to solo dungeons instead of doing them as a group, but this is not always possible.


Grinding Gold through Auction House


The auction house plays an important role in this process for all class in Blade and Soul guide. You will use it to sell the crafts and found materials you acquire in dungeons. Blade and Soul has a very rapid early game up to 45 and then a long, slow grind afterward. So as you start off, you will not need the auction house very much, aside from buying some important materials if you cannot find them yourself. But as you get further in, you will need to use the auction house to buy more and more materials and sell things of your own.


The auction house is cross-server, so you will be able to buy from and sell to people across your region. Demand for various items will change over time, and it is sometimes difficult to predict when a given kind of item will fetch a high price. Remember to pay attention to new patches and other changes, because they can have a big effect on the items people want.


Gold grows in importance in the endgame because there are so many materials and items you need to acquire. Progression stops coming from level ups and starts coming from evolving your weapon and accessories. You need a lot of gold to fuel that growth.